dynamics on dynamics

Showcase you can use multiple expansions to dynamically render a dvar

Please note you can use plain raw value for dvar value, however it is better to manage the string constant as a configuration entry as a var item



Main task yaml file
      school: Sydney Grammar
    - name: nv #case 1: reference to dvar
      value: "n=>{{.school}}"
    - name: m
      value: m=>{{.nv}}
      expand: 1
      desc: |
        the expand should be 1 as n is already instanciated a actual value
    - name: j
      value: j=>{{.m}}
      expand: 1
      desc: |
        the expand should be 1 as n is already instanciated a actual value
      #case 2: reference to var
    - name: o
      value: o=>{{.c}}
      expand: 3
      desc: |
        the expand should be 3 as the reference in vars not evaluated yet
        this eventually will be the value of school from vars
      #case 3: it allows you to put non templated string there as value in dvars
    - name: z
      value: i am zzz
      desc: you can use plain string here too
    - name: yv
      value: y->{{.z}}
    - name: x
      value: x=>{{.yv}}
      expand: 1
      desc: |
        you can't expect to use expand level 2 to get value z, as there is no need
        to do so because y should be already rendered
    - name: task
      - func: shell
        - echo "n->{{.nv}}"
        - echo "m->{{.m}}"
        - echo "j->{{.j}}"
        - echo "o->{{.o}}"
        - echo "z->{{.z}}"
        - echo "y->{{.yv}}"
        - echo "x->{{.x}}"
Main log file
    loading [Config]:  ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/functests
                 WorkDir -> cwd
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
                TaskFile -> c0050
                 Verbose -> vvv
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
               EntryTask -> task
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up
    -exec task: task
    loading [Task]:  ./tests/functests/c0050
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    profile -  envVars:
    Task1: [task ==> task:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "school": "Sydney Grammar",
      "x": "x=>y->i am zzz",
      "nv": "n=>Sydney Grammar",
      "z": "i am zzz",
      "j": "j=>m=>n=>Sydney Grammar",
      "yv": "y->i am zzz",
      "o": "o=><no value>",
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
      "m": "m=>n=>Sydney Grammar"
    cmd( 1):
    echo "n->{{.nv}}"
    n->n=>Sydney Grammar
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "m->{{.m}}"
    m->m=>n=>Sydney Grammar
     .. ok
    cmd( 3):
    echo "j->{{.j}}"
    j->j=>m=>n=>Sydney Grammar
     .. ok
    cmd( 4):
    echo "o->{{.o}}"
    o->o=><no value>
     .. ok
    cmd( 5):
    echo "z->{{.z}}"
    z->i am zzz
     .. ok
    cmd( 6):
    echo "y->{{.yv}}"
    y->y->i am zzz
     .. ok
    cmd( 7):
    echo "x->{{.x}}"
    x->x=>y->i am zzz
     .. ok
    . ok
Logs with different verbose level
Raw logs with different verbose level