multi module calls

Showcase the multple module calls

Things will get complicated if your main task invoke a module A.taskA, then module A result in another task call to module B.taskB.

Many programming language has the issue of dependency hell. It will break simply becuase of different version of different modules

UP cmd support two approaches to manage the dependencies, the first one s to manage the dependency statically under a local directory, either it is a relative direectory to your work directory, or abosolute path in your system; the second one is to manage multiple versions of same module in its version directories


Use local directory as module code base

Simply saying, you will define all required modules and versions in that module’s configuration upconfig.yml file. It’s like a jailed execution for that module to pull all required modules and defined versions

├── hello-module
│   ├── up.yml
│   └── upconfig.yml
├── hi-module
│   └── up.yml
├── world-module
│   ├── up.yml
│   └── upconfig.yml
├── up.yml
└── upconfig.yml

In this case, the call flow is:

main task -> hello-module.Say_hello -> hi-module.Say_hi

The below module config to call hi-module will be under management of hello-module, in myproject/hello-module/upconfig.yml


    dir: hi-module/
    alias: hi-module

Please notice that the world-module is configured in the same way, the hi-module is in its own path but not globally shared and dynamically linked

pros: * the callee module is statically linked * the callee module could be different version, so there is no compatibility issue at all, hence it will utterly avoid problems like below: * the time you upgrade is the time start failing * demanding one version fitting all * demanding you must upgrade all components’ version so that the code could work

con: * none

When your code is maturer enough, you might want to publish your own local module directory under your project code base. You wrap up code into an exported task, check in your module directory as a git repo. You can start sharing module with different teams and after that you can use the second way to refer to the module using your repo url and remove your local directory from your project code base.

config file - upconfig.yml

    version: 1.0.0
    Verbose: vvv
    MaxCallLayers: 8
    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
    ConfigDir: .
    ConfigFile: upconfig.yml
      - #if there is no repo, then it will use the dir as module and incorporate as module
        dir: hello-module/
        alias: hello-module

up task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: call
            do: hello-module.Say_hello

up module task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
        name: Say_hello
            func: cmd
              a: aaa
              - name: print
                cmd: "... hello"
            func: call
            do: hi-module.Say_hi

up module config - upconfig.yml

    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
        dir: hi-module/
        alias: hi-module

hi module task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
        name: Say_hi
            func: cmd
              a: aaa
              - name: print
                cmd: "... hi"
Main log file
    loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0010/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0010
                 WorkDir -> refdir
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up/tests/modtests/0010
                TaskFile -> up.yml
                 Verbose -> v
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
               EntryTask -> Main
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up/tests/modtests/0010
    -exec task: Main
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    Task1: [Main ==> Main: main entry ]
    loading [Config]:  ./upconfig.yml
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello-module], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello-module] task: [Say_hello]
    Task2: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hello:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ... hello
     WARN: [config file does not exist] - [use builtin defaults]
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hi-module], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hi-module] task: [Say_hi]
    Task2: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hi:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ... hi
Logs with different verbose level
Raw logs with different verbose level