
Log reference:

    loading [Config]:  ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/functests
                 WorkDir -> cwd
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
                TaskFile -> c0026
                 Verbose -> vv
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
               EntryTask -> task
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up
    -exec task: task
    loading [Task]:  ./tests/functests/c0026
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    Task1: [task ==> task:  ]
    =Task2: [task ==> test1: test reg with an auto registered name
    in this case the step name is empty, then the idx will be used
    --Step1: [: if this step does not have a name, then the auto reg name would be task_0_reslt ]
    cmd( 1):
    curl -s -X GET "https://httpbin.org/get" -H "accept: application/json"
      "args": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json", 
        "Host": "httpbin.org", 
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.70.0", 
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f7c65bc-25da232e0b5be5d9395cf21f"
      "origin": "", 
      "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"
     .. ok
    . ok
    ~~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ~~SubStep2: [print:  ]
      "args": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json", 
        "Host": "httpbin.org", 
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.70.0", 
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f7c65bc-25da232e0b5be5d9395cf21f"
      "origin": "", 
      "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"
    =Task3: [task ==> test2: test reg with a auto registered name and the step name is not empty
    in this case the registered reslt name is: test2_httpbinget_result
    --Step1: [httpbinget: if this step does not have a name, then the auto reg name would be task_0_reslt ]
    cmd( 1):
    curl -s -X GET "https://httpbin.org/get" -H "accept: application/json"
      "args": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json", 
        "Host": "httpbin.org", 
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.70.0", 
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f7c65bd-5a8635e71c6b1ad12336c9ab"
      "origin": "", 
      "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"
     .. ok
    . ok
    ~~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ~~SubStep2: [print:  ]
      "args": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json", 
        "Host": "httpbin.org", 
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.70.0", 
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f7c65bd-5a8635e71c6b1ad12336c9ab"
      "origin": "", 
      "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"
    =Task4: [task ==> test3: test reg with a registered name
    in this case the registered reslt name is: test2_httpbinget_result
    --Step1: [httpbinget: it will use the given name as var name to register the result ]
    cmd( 1):
    curl -s -X GET "https://httpbin.org/get" -H "accept: application/json"
      "args": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json", 
        "Host": "httpbin.org", 
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.70.0", 
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f7c65be-5cc1099f6763e23508fdf1cd"
      "origin": "", 
      "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"
     .. ok
    . ok
    ~~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ~~SubStep2: [print:  ]
      "args": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json", 
        "Host": "httpbin.org", 
        "User-Agent": "curl/7.70.0", 
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5f7c65be-5cc1099f6763e23508fdf1cd"
      "origin": "", 
      "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"
Logs with different verbose level