use case 2

Showcase gradually the lengthy configuration evolve to simpler skeleton by using ref element to externalized task/flow. Please also checkout the changes of: use case 1

Externalized the task definition - c0061-task-main.yml

        func: shell
          - echo "task step 1"
          - echo "task step 2"
        func: call
          - task_a
          - task_c
          - task_a
        if: '{{eq .student_name "tom"}}'
        func: call
          - task_b
        loop: "classes"
        if: '{{eq .student_name "tom"}}'
        func: shell
          - echo "task step 3"
          - echo "task step 4"
        func: call
          - a_very_complicated_task

Externalized the task definition - c0061-task-complicate.yml

      - func: shell
          - echo "i am a very complicated flow of step1"
          - echo "i am a very complicated flow of step2"
          - echo "i am a very complicated flow of step3"
      - func: shell
          - echo "i am a very complicated flow of step4"
          - echo "{{.student_name}}"

flow element

Introduce the flow element to notate a task reference

With ref element in main tasks file, this will make the entry point much cleaner and the main skeleton design stand out



Main task yaml file
      student_name: tom
      classes: [1k, 2b, 3j, 4s]
    - name: task
      ref: c0061-task-main.yml
      refdir: ./tests/functests
    - name: a_very_complicated_task
      desc: "a_very_complicated_task"
      ref: c0061-task-complicate.yml
    - name: task_a
      - func: shell
        - echo "task_a_step1"
    - name: task_c
      - func: shell
        - echo "task_c_step1"
    - name: task_b
      - func: shell
        - echo "task_b_step1"
        - echo "{{.loopindex}} -> student nameed {{.student_name}} has been in class [{{.loopitem}}]"
Main log file
    loading [Config]:  ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/functests
                 WorkDir -> cwd
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
                TaskFile -> c0061
                 Verbose -> vvv
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
               EntryTask -> task
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up
    -exec task: task
    loading [Task]:  ./tests/functests/c0061
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    profile -  envVars:
    loading [flow ref]:  ./tests/functests/c0061-task-main.yml
    loading [flow ref]:  ./tests/functests/c0061-task-complicate.yml
    Task1: [task ==> task:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task step 1"
    task step 1
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "task step 2"
    task step 2
     .. ok
    . ok
    self: final context exec vars:
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 2\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 2",
        ErrMsg: ""
    =Task3: [task ==> task_a:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 2\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 2",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_a_step1"
     .. ok
    . ok
    =Task4: [task ==> task_c:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task_a_step1\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task_a_step1",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_c_step1"
     .. ok
    . ok
    =Task3: [task ==> task_a:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task_c_step1\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task_c_step1",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1,
      "student_name": "tom"
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_a_step1"
     .. ok
    . ok
    self: final context exec vars:
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 2\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 2",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
    =Task5: [task ==> task_b:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 2\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 2",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1,
      "loopitem": "1k",
      "loopindex": 0,
      "loopindex1": 1,
      "student_name": "tom"
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_b_step1"
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "{{.loopindex}} -> student nameed {{.student_name}} has been in class [{{.loopitem}}]"
    0 -> student nameed tom has been in class [1k]
     .. ok
    . ok
    =Task5: [task ==> task_b:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "loopindex1": 2,
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"0 -> student nameed tom has been in class [1k]\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "0 -> student nameed tom has been in class [1k]",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1,
      "loopitem": "2b",
      "loopindex": 1
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_b_step1"
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "{{.loopindex}} -> student nameed {{.student_name}} has been in class [{{.loopitem}}]"
    1 -> student nameed tom has been in class [2b]
     .. ok
    . ok
    =Task5: [task ==> task_b:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "loopindex1": 3,
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"1 -> student nameed tom has been in class [2b]\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "1 -> student nameed tom has been in class [2b]",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1,
      "loopitem": "3j",
      "loopindex": 2
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_b_step1"
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "{{.loopindex}} -> student nameed {{.student_name}} has been in class [{{.loopitem}}]"
    2 -> student nameed tom has been in class [3j]
     .. ok
    . ok
    =Task5: [task ==> task_b:  ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "loopitem": "4s",
      "loopindex": 3,
      "loopindex1": 4,
      "student_name": "tom",
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"2 -> student nameed tom has been in class [3j]\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "2 -> student nameed tom has been in class [3j]",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task_b_step1"
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "{{.loopindex}} -> student nameed {{.student_name}} has been in class [{{.loopitem}}]"
    3 -> student nameed tom has been in class [4s]
     .. ok
    . ok
    self: final context exec vars:
      "classes": {
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1,
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 2\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 2",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "student_name": "tom"
    cmd( 1):
    echo "task step 3"
    task step 3
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "task step 4"
    task step 4
     .. ok
    . ok
    self: final context exec vars:
      "student_name": "tom",
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1,
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 4\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 4",
        ErrMsg: ""
    =Task2: [task ==> a_very_complicated_task: a_very_complicated_task ]
    self: final context exec vars:
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"task step 4\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "task step 4",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "student_name": "tom",
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
    cmd( 1):
    echo "i am a very complicated flow of step1"
    i am a very complicated flow of step1
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "i am a very complicated flow of step2"
    i am a very complicated flow of step2
     .. ok
    cmd( 3):
    echo "i am a very complicated flow of step3"
    i am a very complicated flow of step3
     .. ok
    . ok
    self: final context exec vars:
      "classes": {
      "last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
        Cmd: "echo \"i am a very complicated flow of step3\"",
        Code: 0,
        Output: "i am a very complicated flow of step3",
        ErrMsg: ""
      "student_name": "tom",
      "up_runtime_task_layer_number": 1
    cmd( 1):
    echo "i am a very complicated flow of step4"
    i am a very complicated flow of step4
     .. ok
    cmd( 2):
    echo "{{.student_name}}"
     .. ok
    . ok
Logs with different verbose level
Raw logs with different verbose level