manage indirect dependencies

Your code may reference to an external module repo, then that repo again references to the third module and this could go on and on. This shows how to detect those indirect module dependencies and how to automatically pull and update those dependencies into your local


Pull all module dependencies including indirect one

Please notice that in this case, the only reference is a local module in directory hello-module which as a dependency on a git repo, then that git repo module has another dependency, so the direct dependenc is 1, but the indirect dependencies are 2

You can pull module dependencies including indirect one

Ξ ▶ up mod pull -d ./tests/modtests/0013 -i dev --configdir=./tests/modtests/0013 -w refdir
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/upconfig.yml
Main config:
  Version -> 1.0.0
  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0013
  WorkDir -> refdir
  AbsWorkDir -> ./tests/modtests/0013
  TaskFile -> up.yml
  Verbose -> vvv
  ModuleName -> drunk_nobel1
  MaxCallLayers -> 8
  MaxModuelCallLayers -> 8
work dir: ./tests/modtests/0013
loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
module: [drunk_nobel1] instance id: [dev]
-validate all modules:
-pull repos:
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/hello-module/upconfig.yml

-main direct modules:
  - repo:
    tag: ""
    version: crosstalk1
    alias: crosstalk1
    dir: ""
    subdir: ""
    iid: ""
    pullpolicy: always

  |  PROPERTY  |                   VALUE                   |
  | alias      | crosstalk1                                |
  | dir        | .upmodules/crosstalk1@crosstalk1          |
  | repo       | |
  | version    | crosstalk1                                |
  | pullpolicy | always                                    |
  | instanceid | nonamed                                   |
  | subdir     |                                           |
Enumerating objects: 30, done.
Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
  Total 30 (delta 9), reused 26 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
  checkout version
checkout version: crosstalk1 ...
  git checkout crosstalk1
  Branch 'crosstalk1' set up to track remote branch 'crosstalk1' from 'origin'.
  Switched to a new branch 'crosstalk1'
loading [Config]:  .upmodules/crosstalk1@crosstalk1/upconfig.yml
  |  PROPERTY  |                   VALUE                   |
  | alias      | crosstalk2                                |
  | dir        | .upmodules/crosstalk2@crosstalk2          |
  | repo       | |
  | version    | crosstalk2                                |
  | pullpolicy | always                                    |
  | instanceid | nonamed                                   |
  | subdir     |                                           |
Enumerating objects: 30, done.
Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
  Total 30 (delta 9), reused 26 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
  checkout version
checkout version: crosstalk2 ...
  git checkout crosstalk2
  Branch 'crosstalk2' set up to track remote branch 'crosstalk2' from 'origin'.
  Switched to a new branch 'crosstalk2'
loading [Config]:  .upmodules/crosstalk2@crosstalk2/upconfig.yml

Priority to override the required indirect module version

In case there is a indirect module used by one of the modules you use

module declaration in one of the upconfig.yml

- repo:
  alias: crosstalk1
  version: crosstalk1
  pullpolicy: always

Normally you don’t need to declare a indirect module, when you use up mod pull, the above module will be cloned to your local .modules directory. But if you do, shown as below, that means you explicitly demand to use the same repo(you can use another repo too) but different branch instead. This will take priority and above versioning code base will not be used.

Note this will impact the behavior of your sub modules, you must be clear what you are doing when you use this technic

module declaration in the main upconfig.yml

- repo:
  alias: crosstalk1
  version: feature
  pullpolicy: always

Probe all dependant modules details

â–¶ up mod probe -d ./tests/modtests/0013 -i dev --configdir=./tests/modtests/0013 -w refdir
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/upconfig.yml
Main config:
  Version -> 1.0.0
  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0013
  WorkDir -> refdir
  AbsWorkDir -> ./tests/modtests/0013
  TaskFile -> up.yml
  Verbose -> vvv
  ModuleName -> drunk_ritchie8
  MaxCallLayers -> 8
  MaxModuelCallLayers -> 8
work dir: ./tests/modtests/0013
loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
module: [drunk_ritchie8] instance id: [dev]
-list all modules:
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/hello-module/upconfig.yml

-main direct modules:
  - repo:
    tag: ""
    version: crosstalk1
    alias: crosstalk1
    dir: ""
    subdir: ""
    iid: ""
    pullpolicy: always

  - Insights:
  | IDX |   ALIAS    |               DIR                |                   REPO                    |  VERSION   | PULLPOLICY | INSTANCEID | SUBDIR |
  |   1 | crosstalk1 | .upmodules/crosstalk1@crosstalk1 | | crosstalk1 | always     | nonamed    |        |

loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/.upmodules/crosstalk1@crosstalk1/upconfig.yml
loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/.upmodules/crosstalk2@crosstalk2/upconfig.yml

-indirect sub modules:
  - repo:
    tag: ""
    version: crosstalk2
    alias: crosstalk2
    dir: ""
    subdir: ""
    iid: ""
    pullpolicy: always
  - repo:
    tag: ""
    version: crosstalk1
    alias: crosstalk1
    dir: ""
    subdir: ""
    iid: ""
    pullpolicy: always

  - Insights:
  | IDX |   ALIAS    |               DIR                |                   REPO                    |  VERSION   | PULLPOLICY | INSTANCEID | SUBDIR |
  |   1 | crosstalk2 | .upmodules/crosstalk2@crosstalk2 | | crosstalk2 | always     | nonamed    |        |
  |   2 | crosstalk1 | .upmodules/crosstalk1@crosstalk1 | | crosstalk1 | always     | nonamed    |        |

config file - upconfig.yml

    version: 1.0.0
    Verbose: vvv
    MaxCallLayers: 8
    MaxModuelCallLayers: 8
    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
    ConfigDir: .
    ConfigFile: upconfig.yml
        dir: hello-module/
        alias: hello-module

up task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: call
            do: hello-module.Say_hello

up module task - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
        name: Say_hello
            func: cmd
              a: aaa
              - name: print
                cmd: "... hello"
            func: call
            do: crosstalk1.Cross_call1

up module config - upconfig.yml

    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
      - repo:
        alias: crosstalk1
        version: crosstalk1
        pullpolicy: always

crosstalk1 - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
            func: call
            do: Say_world
        name: Say_world
            func: cmd
                name: print
                cmd: " .... world from Say_world"
        name: Cross_call1
            func: cmd
                name: print
                cmd: " .... cross call 1"
            func: call
            desc: deactivated
            dox: crosstalk2.Cross_call2

crosstalk1 - upconfig.yml

    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
      - repo:
        alias: crosstalk2
        version: crosstalk2
        pullpolicy: always

crosstalk2 - up.yml

        name: Main
        desc: main entry
            func: shell
            desc: main job
              - echo "hello "
            func: call
            do: Say_world
        name: Say_world
            func: cmd
                name: print
                cmd: " .... world from Say_world"
        name: Cross_call1
            func: cmd
                name: print
                cmd: " .... cross call 1"
            func: call
            desc: deactivated
            dox: crosstalk2.Cross_call2

crosstalk2 - upconfig.yml

    RefDir: .
    TaskFile: up.yml
      - repo:
        alias: crosstalk1
        version: crosstalk1
        pullpolicy: always
Main log file
    loading [Config]:  ./tests/modtests/0013/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/modtests/0013
                 WorkDir -> refdir
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up/tests/modtests/0013
                TaskFile -> up.yml
                 Verbose -> v
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 8
               EntryTask -> Main
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up/tests/modtests/0013
    -exec task: Main
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    Task1: [Main ==> Main: main entry ]
    loading [Config]:  ./upconfig.yml
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [hello-module], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [hello-module] task: [Say_hello]
    Task2: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Say_hello:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
    ... hello
    loading [Config]:  ./upconfig.yml
    loading [Task]:  ./up.yml
    module: [crosstalk1], instance id: [nonamed], exec profile: []
     WARN: [*be aware*] - [both instance id and exec profile are not set]
    =>call module: [crosstalk1] task: [Cross_call1]
    Task3: [TODO: Main Caller Taskname ==> Cross_call1:  ]
    ~SubStep1: [print:  ]
     .... cross call 1
    -Step2: [: deactivated ]
     WARN: [*] - [Step is deactivated!]
Logs with different verbose level
Raw logs with different verbose level