range and outer value

Demo how to loop through using golang template and a few different ways to reference the iterating item. Also it shows how to access the outter value within the loop

When execution begins, $ is set to the data argument passed to Execute, that is, to the starting value of dot.

{{with .Inner}}
Outer: {{$.OuterValue}}
Inner: {{.InnerValue}}



Main task yaml file
    docs: ""
      person: peter
      - tom
      - jason
      - alice
    - name: var_with_range #extra: {{if pipeline}} T1 {{else if pipeline}} T0 {{end}}
      value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
      flags: [vvv]
    - name: var_with_range_item
      value: "{{range $x:=.managers}} {{$x}} {{end}}"
      flags: [vvv]
    - name: var_with_range_item_simpler
      value: "{{range .managers}} {{.}} {{end}}"
      flags: [vvv]
    - name: var_to_ref_to_outside_of_range_from_within_range
      desc: |
        the direct reference to try to access out of scope in range will not work
        expect a warning from this execution
      value: "{{range $x:=.managers}} {{.person}} {{end}}"
      flags: [vvv]
    - name: var_directly_ref_to
      value: "{{.person}}"
      flags: [vvv]
    - name: var_to_ref_to_outside_of_range_from_within_range_fixed
      desc: |
        use $. to access out of scope variable
      value: "{{range $x:=.managers}} {{$.person}} {{end}}"
      flags: [vvv]
    - name: task
Main log file
    loading [Config]:  ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
    Main config:
                 Version -> 1.0.0
                  RefDir -> ./tests/functests
                 WorkDir -> cwd
              AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
                TaskFile -> c0075
                 Verbose -> vvv
              ModuleName -> self
               ShellType -> /bin/sh
           MaxCallLayers -> 8
                 Timeout -> 3600000
     MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
               EntryTask -> task
      ModRepoUsernameRef -> 
      ModRepoPasswordRef -> 
    work dir: /up_project/up
    -exec task: task
    loading [Task]:  ./tests/functests/c0075
    module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
    profile -  envVars:
    dvar> var_with_range:
    " x  x  x "
     x  x  x 
    dvar> var_with_range_item:
    " tom  jason  alice "
     tom  jason  alice 
    dvar> var_with_range_item_simpler:
    " tom  jason  alice "
     tom  jason  alice 
          template rendering -> template: .:1:26: executing "." at <.person>: can't evaluate field person in type interface {}
        1:{{range $x:=.managers}} {{.person}} {{end}}
    trouble shooting tips:
    <incompatible types for comparison>: the variable might not be registered, use -v vvv to see the cache, or use inspect cmd to debug
    dvar> var_to_ref_to_outside_of_range_from_within_range:
    " "
    dvar> var_directly_ref_to:
    dvar> var_to_ref_to_outside_of_range_from_within_range_fixed:
    " peter  peter  peter "
     peter  peter  peter 
    Task1: [task ==> task:  ]
Logs with different verbose level
Raw logs with different verbose level