This showcases that the dvar’s rendered result will be printed out with that flagged verbose level
For example, if the set flag is vvv, then when you run below command with verbose level vvv, the result will be printed
up task -d ./tests/functests -t $1 -i dev -v vvvv --configdir=./tests/functests
docs: ""
person: peter
- tom
- jason
- alice
- name: var_with_range_v
value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
flags: [v]
- name: var_with_range_vv
value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
flags: [vv]
- name: var_with_range_vvv
value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
flags: [vvv]
- name: var_with_range_vvvv
value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
flags: [vvvv]
- name: var_with_range_vvvvv
value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
flags: [vvvvv]
- name: var_with_range_vvvvvv
value: "{{range .managers}} x {{end}}"
flags: [vvvvvvv]
- name: task
loading [Config]: ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
Main config:
Version -> 1.0.0
RefDir -> ./tests/functests
WorkDir -> cwd
AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
TaskFile -> c0065
Verbose -> vvv
ModuleName -> self
ShellType -> /bin/sh
MaxCallLayers -> 8
Timeout -> 3600000
MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
EntryTask -> task
ModRepoUsernameRef ->
ModRepoPasswordRef ->
work dir: /up_project/up
-exec task: task
loading [Task]: ./tests/functests/c0065
module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
profile - envVars:
dvar> var_with_range_v:
" x x x "
x x x
dvar> var_with_range_vv:
" x x x "
x x x
dvar> var_with_range_vvv:
" x x x "
x x x
dvar> var_with_range_vvvv:
" x x x "
x x x
dvar> var_with_range_vvvvv:
" x x x "
x x x
dvar> var_with_range_vvvvv:
" x x x "
x x x
Task1: [task ==> task: ]