Log reference:
loading [Config]: ./tests/functests/upconfig.yml
Main config:
Version -> 1.0.0
RefDir -> ./tests/functests
WorkDir -> cwd
AbsWorkDir -> /up_project/up
TaskFile -> c0076
Verbose -> vvvv
ModuleName -> self
ShellType -> /bin/sh
MaxCallLayers -> 8
Timeout -> 3600000
MaxModuelCallLayers -> 256
EntryTask -> task
ModRepoUsernameRef ->
ModRepoPasswordRef ->
:release version: 1.0.0
:verbose level: vvvv
work dir: /up_project/up
-exec task: task
loading [Task]: ./tests/functests/c0076
module: [self], instance id: [dev], exec profile: []
profile - envVars:
---------group vars----------
global: (*core.Cache)({
groups members:[]
merged[ dev ] runtime vars:
-------runtime global final merged with dvars-------
located task-> 1 [task]:
Task1: [task ==> task: test the exit scenarios due to different types of validation ]
Executing task stack layer: 1
-Step1: [: step1 ]
current exec runtime vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
self: final context exec vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
cmd( 1):
echo hanks
echo hanks
.. ok
. ok
-Step2: [
test register a variable to global vars
the reg_hello should be <no value> since this is a template action
you should really use dvar name void instead
current exec runtime vars:
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo hanks",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
self: final context exec vars:
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo hanks",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"reg_hello": "hanks\n\n"
WARN: [cmd] - [Not implemented or void for no action!]
current exec runtime vars:
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo hanks",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
self: final context exec vars:
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo hanks",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
cmd( 1):
echo "{{.reg_hello}}"
echo "<no value>"
<no value>
.. ok
cmd( 2):
echo "{{.hellomsg}}"
echo "hanks"
.. ok
. ok
-Step4: [
the reg_tom's value is a object, but since reg_tom is only a local, it
will probably not very useful
current exec runtime vars:
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo \"hanks\"",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
"person": {
"name": "tom",
"age": 18
dvar> local_tom:
"my name is tom\nage: 18\nname: tom\n"
my name is tom
age: 18
name: tom
self: final context exec vars:
"local_tom": "my name is tom\nage: 18\nname: tom\n",
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo \"hanks\"",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
"person": {
"name": "tom",
"age": 18
"tom": {
"name": "tom",
"age": 18
~SubStep1: [reg: ]
-Step5: [: debug the results ]
current exec runtime vars:
"objname": "global_tom",
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo \"hanks\"",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"tom": {
"name": "tom",
"age": 18
"global_tom": "my name is tom\nage: 18\nname: tom\n",
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0
self: final context exec vars:
"hellomsg": "hanks",
"tom": {
"name": "tom",
"age": 18
"global_tom": "my name is tom\nage: 18\nname: tom\n",
"up_runtime_task_layer_number": 0,
"objname": "global_tom",
"last_result": (*utils.ExecResult)({
Cmd: "echo \"hanks\"",
Code: 0,
Output: "hanks",
ErrMsg: ""
~SubStep1: [print: this local_tom should be <no value> as it is in scope of last step ]
~SubStep2: [print: get the object from register global space ]
map[age:18 name:tom]
~SubStep3: [printObj: dynamically reference to global_tom object registered ]
(string) (len=12) "{{.objname}}"
global_tom: "my name is tom\nage: 18\nname: tom\n"
Logs with different verbose level